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Verdien GRATIS XLM cryptocurrency (max. $50,-) op Coinbase

Verdien GRATIS XLM cryptocurrency (max. $50,-) op Coinbase

Geldig tot: 13-02-23 14:31
Geldig tot: 13-02-23 14:31

Verdien GRATIS XLM cryptocurrency (max. $50,-) op Coinbase. Voor het gemak heb ik de antwoorden van de 5 vragen hieronder vermeld.

- Stellar is a decentralized coin that unites currencies

- Stellar lumens -> Falilitating low cost universal payments

- Why use for Reminances -> Fast, Secure, and Global

- Why would banks and businesses use stellar -> To issue and exchange tokens quickly

- Stellar Consensus -> It relies on the agreement of trusted nodes.


Deal score: 10